It is said time and time again that some of the best ideas happen over a coffee. Take some time out, join us for one :-)
Methodologies used by teachers to adjust their teaching strategies, and by students to adjust their learning strategies
With the job market becoming increasingly competitive it's important we ensure our learners can standout of a crowd
Effective pedagogic strategies will lead to achievement of learning outcomes, get it right and watch them grow.
Here we can share areas of research and development undertaking by all insitutes for sharing and future collaboration
Methods to deliver information & engage learners in the classroom, online or through independent study
Ideas, possibilities and working it out, teachers coming together to share what they are trying
Maths & English are central to work and life; success in these are linked to better life chances and greater achievement
An ever increasing growth in online teaching & learning resources have made it easier then ever to use ILT effectively
With a 1 in 400 trillion chance of you being born it is important to remember how important you and your learners are.
Passionate about pedagogy and research? Find out about the opportunities that exist.